November 21, 2011

Thudguard - Infant Protective Safety Hat

"Over 318,575 baby & toddler head injuries are recorded each year!"(Department of Trade & Industry)

It's normal for young children to sustain bumps and bruises occasionally as part of exploring. However, learning to walk in a world of hard surfaces can turn a special moment into a heart rendering incident in a flash. Consider for one moment being the height of an average toddler. If you're not sure about this, get down on your hands and knees and have a wander around. Look at all the furniture and hard surfaces you would hit if you fell - both inside your home and outside in your garden.

Now imagine you have wobbly legs, you're only just finding your balance and you fall over more than you'd like to, because you're just learning to walk. Remember learning to ride a bicycle or learning to ice skate for the first time?

What are the chances of you falling over and hitting something solid? Most homes today have hardwood floors or tiles so statistically the chances are really high. The problem is this kind of fall is very common in even the safest homes and gardens. The damage to a falling toddler's hands and knees can be an acceptable form of pain for learning but a head injury can be traumatic for both infant and parent. Thudguard® goes one step further and takes the protection straight to the infants head giving you great peace of mind.

Thudguard® is the only product of its type in the world that complies with safety standards and the only product endorsed by Children's Accident & Emergency Experts.

Certified and Impact Tested to comply with DTI PPE Category II (89/686/EEC)
British Association of Accident and Emergency Medicine
Removal of harmful substances compliant
- ½ inch thick impact tested protective foam hat is designed to help absorb and reduce the impact of falls from a child's own height and may lessen the chance of head injury when infants are learning to walk.

- Comfortable (stretchy), circumference band allows for growth and ventilation.

- Adjustable soft (stretchy), elastic chinstrap.

- Ultra lightweight materials avoid pressure on developing neck muscles.

- Thudguard® is endorsed and supported by experts worldwide.

- Help to promote early cycle helmet wearing habits.

- Ideal head cushion - for the sitting up / crawling / pulling up against furniture / first steps / walking and playing outdoor stages. Also protect those little noggins against icy slips and tumbles in the snow.

- Thudguard® now has extra added ventilation!

Colour: Available in lilac and baby blue.