April 04, 2012

Viral Fever

Viral fever is due to an infection caused by a virus, a tiny transmittable agent that can only live and reproduce within another organism’s cells. The fever can reach more than 40 degrees Celsius and can last for 10 to 14 days. There are different symptoms of a viral infection. 

Viral fever is the first symptom of a viral infection. When a virus penetrates your body, your defense system reacts by fighting it; thus, causing the high temperature. However, a fever is not the indication of a virus because a bacterial infection can also cause high fever. Sometimes, a viral infection can occur without fever, which can be dangerous as you are not aware that you have it.

When you are suffering from viral fever, you experience a very warm body temperature. You also feel pain in your body, and muscle. Your joints also swell and hurt a lot and you feel very weak, uneasy, and uncomfortable. You will develop rashes and a yellowish color on your skin. Your eyes constantly water and you will have a cold, runny nose, and nasal congestion. You will have no appetite to eat and you tend to vomit more. Diarrhea will also strike.
There are many ways to diagnose a viral fever. One of them is to have a complete blood count that will reveal the status and condition of your red and white blood cells. Others include a peripheral blood smear and nasal swabs.

For viral fever treatment, it is important to have regular workouts to strengthen the immune system. A strong immune system will kill a virus. You should constantly wash your hands, as you do not know what types of viruses are stuck on them. Avoid smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol because these will weaken the immune system. If you need to drink water, make sure it is distilled or pre-boiled, and drink plenty of it.
A viral fever comes with the common colds. If you need to sneeze or cough, cover your mouth with a handkerchief or a tissue paper. You can blow your nose when you are in the bathroom. Sometimes a viral fever will block your nose. You can go to a sauna and undergo steam inhalation to unblock the nose.
There are many medications for viral fever. These are ibuprofen acetaminophen, and other anti-virals. There are also vaccinations to prevent viruses entering your body. It is also important to drink lots of water to be hydrated always.

There are also home remedies for viral fever. One of them is placing an ice pack or a cold compress on the forehead. This will lessen the chance of the fever going up to the brain. You can also rub your whole body with a washcloth that has been soaked in cool water to bring the temperature down. As you sleep, make sure you are dressed in light clothes so as not to trap in heat and worsen skin rashes. You must also sleep in a cool room so as not become warmer due to the heat.

A virus can be acquired through the mouth and the nose. One of the causes of viral infection is when you breathe in particles that have the germs of viruses. Food and water can also carry these viruses. Once these get inside a cell through the nose or mouth, they will grow there and destroy the cell eventually as the virus enters the body.

Your doctor can also give you a diagnosis of a viral infection if you suffer from diarrhea and vomiting. This means the virus has entered the digestive system, particularly the gastrointestinal tract. Because both diarrhea and vomiting can lose essential body fluids that lead to dehydration, it is important to drink lots of water every day.
When you find yourself bleeding while having fever, this may be due to viral hemorrhagic fever. When this happens, the body organs are damaged and no longer have the ability to heal by themselves. The outcome can be either mild or disastrous.

There are certain people who should take good care not to be infected with a viral infection because of their condition. These are pregnant women and small children. People who have a weak immune system should not catch a viral flu because this can harm their health. They will not be able to strongly fight away the conditions that a viral fever brings. Some of the illnesses brought about by viral infection are ear infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, and acute sinusitis.

Having these symptoms — that starts with a viral fever — does not necessarily mean that you have a viral infection. These are just possible signs. Even doctors do not know how to differentiate a bacterial and a viral infection. The only way to tell is to undergo laboratory tests.

If given proper treatment and the right home remedies, viral fever and its symptoms can be cured.

Copy fr viralfever.info